
MicroFiles 6/Pack
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MicroFiles Variety Pack 6/Pack
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MicroFiles are designed to clean the canals while preserving maximum strength of the tooth. The area of the tooth where dentin loss most effects the strength of the tooth is in the coronal third of the canal (1,2). This is even more important than very small access preparations (3).

MicroFiles have a maximum diameter of .6mm. Most rotary files have a maximum diameter of 1-1.2 mm. When treating a calcified canal a standard rotary file may remove 200-300% more dentin in the coronal portion of the canal (4).

Traditional files produce excessive taper(5) and torque(6) during treatment that may lead to cracking of the dentin in the roots.

MicroFiles in the larger sizes have a conservative .02 taper. The size change between instruments is minimal so the torque needed to prepare the canal is minimal.

Made in U.S.A.


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